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What is the Best Thermostat Temperature for Winter in Miami?

Service Minds One Hour tech performing Thermostat installation service in Miami, FLLet’s talk about the best thermostat setting for winter in Miami. It’s not something you might think about often, given our mild Florida winters, but it can make a big difference in your comfort and energy bills.

So, what IS the best thermostat temperature for winter in Miami?

Winter in Miami

Miami’s winters are pretty mild compared to other places. From December to February, it usually hovers around 61°F outside. Not exactly freezing, right? But you still want to be comfy indoors without getting hit with a high heating bill.

Here’s the deal: during fall and winter, aim for about 68°F on your thermostat when you’re home. If you’re away, you can turn your home’s temperature down lower, to around 64°F. It’ll use less energy while protecting your home from any cold weather that crops up while you are gone.

What Influences Ideal Thermostat Settings?

Your recommended thermostat setting depends on a few different factors:


Let’s talk about Miami’s famous humidity for a sec. You know those days when you step outside and instantly feel like you need another shower? That’s high humidity at work. It can make the air feel way warmer than it actually is.

In your home, this means you might need to set your thermostat a bit lower than you’d expect in the summer. It’s not just about temperature; it’s about comfort. Your AC doesn’t just cool the air, it also dehumidifies it. So when it’s super humid out, you might find yourself cranking the air conditioner a bit more to keep things feeling fresh inside.

Pro tip: Consider getting a dehumidifier for those extra muggy days. It can work wonders alongside your AC to keep your home feeling cool and dry.

Outside Temperature

Now, I know we’re talking about Miami here, not Minnesota. But believe it or not, the outside temp still matters, even in the land of eternal summer.

During those “chilly” winter months (and I use that term loosely), you might find yourself adjusting the thermostat a bit. Remember, Miami’s winters average around 61°F. That’s practically arctic by Florida standards, right?

But here’s the thing: as the seasons change, even subtly, it’s a good idea to reassess your thermostat settings. Maybe in January, you’re comfortable with it set at 68°F, but come May, that might feel downright chilly indoors.

Whether or not your home gets a lot of direct sunlight also influences your optimal temperature settings. In cooler weather, the sunny days can still bring up the ambient temperature indoors. (In the summer heat, a sunny window can definitely lead to a higher energy bill.)

Personal Preference

Alright, let’s get personal for a minute. We’ve all got that one friend who’s always cold, right? And another who’s perpetually sweating? That’s because comfort is super subjective. Ideal indoor temperatures are different for everyone.

Your comfortable temperature might be influenced by all sorts of factors:

  • Your natural body temperature (some folks just run hot or cold)
  • Your activity level (are you lounging on the couch or running around the house?)
  • What you’re wearing (swimsuit vs. sweater makes a big difference!)
  • Your age (as we get older, we often prefer warmer temperatures)
  • Health conditions (certain medications or health issues can affect how we perceive temperature)

The key here is to find what works for you and your household. It might take some trial and error, but it’s worth it to find that sweet spot between your ideal temperature and wise energy consumption.

Time of Day

Ever notice cooler temperatures in the morning and evening, but then it’s blazing hot in the afternoon? Your thermostat settings should reflect these natural fluctuations.

This is where programmable thermostats really shine. Imagine waking up to a perfectly cool house, having it adjust to reduce energy usage for when you’re out during the day, and then coming home to comfort again. It’s like having a personal climate assistant!

Here’s a sample schedule you might use:

  • 6 AM – 8 AM: 68°F (wake up comfortable)
  • 8 AM – 5 PM: 65°F (save energy while you’re out)
  • 5 PM – 10 PM: 68°F (relax in comfort in the evening)
  • 10 PM – 6 AM: 65°F (ideal sleeping temperature)

Of course, you’d adjust these for your specific schedule and preferences. The beauty of a programmable thermostat is that you set it once and then let it do its thing.

Remember, all these factors work together. The key is to pay attention to how you feel and adjust accordingly. Your thermostat is there to serve you, not the other way around. With a little attention and some smart adjustments, you can stay comfortable year-round while keeping your electric bill in check.

Stay Consistent

Try to keep your thermostat setting pretty consistent. Constantly fiddling with it can actually use more energy. And if you’re looking to save some cash on your utility bills, even small changes can help. Just adjusting your thermostat by a few degrees can lead to around 10% in energy savings!



If you’re thinking about upgrading an older thermostat to a smart thermostat, it’s definitely worth considering. Modern thermostats give you way more control and can help you save on energy costs during all seasons of Florida temperatures.

The pros at Service Minds One Hour are here to help if you want to go for an upgrade or replacement – or if your furnace needs any repairs. We’re your energy efficiency experts; we can help you save on heating costs without sacrificing comfort.